Thailand Business Licenses Application Services from Magna Carta Law Firm Pattaya


Our legal team can assist you in obtaining the necessary Thai business licenses to lawfully begin operating your business.

Thailand Commercial Business Licenses

Doing business in Thailand requires the acquisition of business licenses from the relevant government offices in the locality where you will establish your business. It is a requirement for some enterprises to secure a special clearance or license from other government agencies, depending on the nature of the business operation.

Food License

Opening a food business has its own set of legal considerations. This includes obtaining a variety of licenses and permits to start operating your business, wherein the type of licenses to obtain depends on what type of products or services you intend to sell. It is a requirement for all establishments in Thailand intending to serve or sell food to get a food license from the municipality or district according to the location of the proposed establishment or business.

Alcohol License

Restaurants and bars generate great profits from selling alcohol. However, not all establishments are allowed to sell it. Securing a liquor license then allows an establishment to legally sell alcoholic beverages. This excludes selling alcohol in areas near schools, places of worship, and fuel stations.

Cigarette License

If you want to sell cigarettes, you must apply for a cigarette license with the Excise Department. Cigarette licenses are often subject to renewal. Cigarette licenses must be renewed at the end of the calendar year (December 31). Renewal applications, on the other hand, are accepted beginning in October.

Entertainment License

Engaging in a pub or bar business as well as employing singers, bands, or musicians to entertain dining customers requires the business owner to obtain an entertainment license. They need to obtain this from the municipality or district where the establishment is located. This shall also apply to establishments with dance venues, band equipment, and massage services.

TAT License

The Tourist Business and Guide Act regulates the tourism business. In order to operate a tourism business in Thailand, you must first obtain a Thailand Tourism License, or TAT (Tourism Authority of Thailand) License, from the Bureau of Tourism Business and Guide Registration (TBGR), Office of Tourism Development.

You need to apply for a TAT license if your business offers services specifically related to tourism activities within and outside the Kingdom, as follows:

  1. Tour business
  2. Tourist accommodation business
  3. Restaurants, service places, and resorts for tourists
  4. Sale of souvenirs or other goods for tourists
  5. Sports for tourists
  6. Exhibitions, shows, trade fairs, promotional advertisements, or any other activities with the aim of encouraging and promoting tourism

Contact us now if you need help in obtaining Thailand Business Licenses.  Need further information or advice? Book an appointment now! Our lawyers are available to provide in-person or online legal consultation.