A Trademark is a recognizable sign, design or expression which distinguishes products or services of a particular source from others. Any individual, business organization, or any legal entity can own a trademark.
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You may register trademarks, collective marks, certification marks, and service marks in Thailand.
Service Mark is a special type of trademark used for services instead of products. Businesses use service marks to identify their services and distinguish them from the services of others.
Certification Mark means a mark used by the owner for goods or services of another person to certify the origin, composition, method of production, quality or other characteristics of such goods or to certify the nature, quality, type or other characteristics of such services.
Collective Mark means a trademark or service mark used by companies or enterprises of the same group or by members of an association, cooperative, union, confederation, group of persons or any other state or private organization.
Thailand does not officially require trademark registration. However, there are many benefits that you can consider.
It is eligible for registration if the trademark is distinctive and is not similar or confusingly similar to a trademark registered by another person. The Trademark must not consist of any characteristics mentioned in Section 8 of the Thailand Trademark Act B.E. 2534 (with B.E. 2543 amendment). It is necessary that the applicant or his agent shall have an office or address for communication by the Registrar in Thailand.
According to Section 8 of the Trademark Act B.E. 2534(with B.E. 2543 amendment), you cannot register Trademarks having or consisting of any of the following characteristics:
The entire process takes about 1 year from the date of filing. However, trademark protection begins on the day of submission of the application.
The registered trademark entitles the owner to protection of his trademark for 10 years from the application-filing date. However, you can then renew within 90 days before the expiration of each 10-year term. Upon filing of the renewal application, the trademark is then effective as registered until the Registrar orders otherwise. The renewal of trademark registration shall abide by the rules and procedures prescribed in the Ministerial Regulations.