
Bail Bond Services & Filing Bail Applications

A Bail Bond is one method to obtain the release of a defendant awaiting trial upon criminal charges from the custody of law enforcement officials. This is on a condition to lodge a sum of money or other form to guarantee their appearances in court. In other words, it represents an agreement to appear in court on a scheduled date.


Anybody charged with a criminal offense shall be admitted to bail as a  matter of right. However, this shall come with sufficient sureties according to the law before the court passes its judgment on an offense not punishable by death or life imprisonment. This is signed by the defendant or a surety to pay a sum of money or other forms to guarantee their appearance in court.


The minimum bail amount may vary because the presiding judge of each jurisdiction sets the amount of bail for each case.

Thailand Bail Bond Categories

In Thailand, there are 3 categories for submitting a request for temporary release:

1. Request for temporary release by using assets
2. Request for temporary release by using cash
3. Request for temporary release by using government employment status

Thailand Bail Bond Criteria

In considering a temporary release, the court shall use the following criteria:

  • Seriousness of the offense
  • Sufficiency of the existing evidence and the witness’ credibility
  • Circumstances of the case
  • Trustworthiness of the person filing the request or the guarantee given
  • Likelihood of the alleged offender to escape, to create danger if released
  • Likelihood of the alleged offender to destroy evidence or threaten any key witness
  • Existence or non-existence of an objection by an inquiry official, public prosecutor, plaintiff or witness

Thailand Bail Bond Services

MAGNA CARTA LAW FIRM offers Thailand Bail Bond services by assisting in filing bail applications as well as in executing all necessary paper works on collateral in connection with the bail bond. Contact us now!