Marriage Registration in Thailand

Marriage registration in Thailand can be done in any registration office within the country.  For foreigners, marriage in Thailand has two forms; a foreign national marrying a Thai national, or a foreign couple who prefers to get married in Thailand. 

Foreigners start with affirmations from their respective embassies in Thailand. Their embassy must confirm their citizenship and the absence of any legal impediments to their getting married. 

Eligibility Requirements

1. Both parties must be at least 17 years of age. Otherwise, the minor will need a court order.

2. Neither party is insane.
3. The parties are not blood relatives by direct ascendant or descendant line.
4. They do not have the same adoptive parents.
5. Neither party has a spouse at the time of the marriage.


If the woman is a widow or divorced, the marriage in Thailand can only take place after expiry of 310 days from her husband’s death or termination of the marriage. The exceptions are when:
1. A child was born during this time;
2. The divorced couple are remarrying;
3. There is a court order allowing the woman to marry; or
4. Showing a doctor’s certificate from a Thai hospital, affirming that the woman is not pregnant.


For foreign nationals marrying another foreigner or a marrying a Thai national:
  • Passport, including copies of entry visa with Thai translation
  • Authenticated Affirmation of Freedom to Marry (Original and certified translations)
  • If there was an earlier marriage: Original death certificate or original divorce certificate, together with its certified Thai translations
Requirements from Thai nationals at the Local District Office:
  • Citizen identification card
  • House registration document
  • If widow/widower: original and certified Thai translation of the death certificate of the deceased spouse.
  • Original and certified Thai translation of the divorce certificate if divorced.
  • Additionally, the couple needs 2 witnesses, 1 witness from each party.

Procedures for marriage registration in Thailand

  1. Obtain an Affirmation of Freedom to Marry from your respective embassy in Thailand. All Embassies may have different set of requirements. Therefore, it would be best to contact your embassy beforehand.
  2. The declaration documents need Thai translations by an approved translation office.
  3. Bring the documents to  Legalization Division, Department of Consular Affairs, Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Bangkok for legalization.
  4. On the date of your marriage registration, bring all these verified documents and all the other requirements mentioned above at the local District Office called “Amphur” or “Khet”.
  5. Both the parties intending to marry must publicly give consent to take each other as husband and wife before the registrar. The District Registrar will register the marriage and shall then issue a Marriage Certificate. This will then be legally valid and recognized all over the world.

Foreigners must report their marriage at the foreigner’s government or at their respective consulate in Thailand. Since the marriage certificate is in Thai language, bring the english translation at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs for legalization.


The woman must contact her local Amphur for any changes in her name or her title. Only her local Amphur can change her Thai ID and her Ta bian ban.

Same-Sex Marriage Registration

Thailand is the first ASEAN country and the third in Asia to pass an equal marriage law that allows same-sex marriage. This law allows anyone aged 18 and above to legally register for marriage or divorce. Same-sex couples who are foreign nationals or couples between foreign nationals and Thai citizens will be able to register their marriage in Thailand. [Read More]


If the couple agrees to enter into a prenuptial agreement, the couple must register it at the same time as the marriage registration. Getting married in Thailand is relatively easy. However, by Thai law, the assets that the spouses acquire after marriage will be a part of the Sin Som Rod or marital assets, which the regulations of the spouse may be different. Prenuptial agreement is inevitably important to marrying couples in terms of asset ownership. This will enable either or both of them to declare their respective rights on the assets, and most importantly, to prevent disputes that may arise in the future.

Before registering your marriage, you should talk with our family lawyers to protect your interests if there are substantial assets that may cause issues later on. Foreign couples planning to marry in Thailand may consider seeking legal advice, as all papers must be translated into Thai.